It seems like every week my iPhone sends me a message that my storage is full. And every week I have to crawl through the thousands of photos I have, and delete those I can live without. However, during my recent photo purge, I came across some pics from our trip to Puerto Rico. And in a few of them I have the biggest, dorkiest, goofiest smile on my face – but I can feel the happiness in the photo. Anyways, dorkiness aside, it got me thinking about which other places I’ve visited that’ve put that big of smile on my face. So here’s my list of the 5 Friendliest Cities I’ve Ever Visited, and my little memory of happiness associated with them.
#5. Seattle Washington (United States)
When my family and I traveled to visit my grandparents in Victoria (BC), Seattle was just a quick little drive (or ferry) over the border. Granted, it’s a 5 hour drive, but after driving from Saskatoon to Victoria – 5 hours is nothing! Anyways, Seattle is such a cool city. The people are incredibly friendly, especially for the amount of rainy and gloomy days there. My friendliest of memories come from visiting Seattle’s Waterfront, specifically Pike Place Fish Market. Where I had my very first experience at such a grand fish market, and one where tossing fish was an art form. I remember my first time there I was in awe, possibly shock. Living in the prairies, you don’t see things like that.

Click to the next page to see #4