The 5 Friendliest Cities I've Ever Visited

The 5 Friendliest Cities I’ve Ever Visited

Instant friends. They were so incredibly nice, funny and friendly, and after a few glasses of wine, you would’ve assumed we’d known each other for years. They had really heavy accents, although I don’t remember where they said they were from. I believe Russia, but don’t quote me on that. They went on to say they traveled a lot, but knew the area we were in well, and gave me the names of a few spots to try. Perfect. Cherry on top? They went on to say they had friends currently at one of the bars they told me to visit, and that if I was looking for friends, to head there first. Amazing. Come on new friends! I said my goodbyes to my new favorite couple, and hopped in cab to head over to the next bar – the one with newly awaiting friends. Did I know what my new friends looked like? No. But the couple assured me they’d call and describe me, and my new friends would wave me down. Awesome!

Side note, the more I type this out, the more I feel like I’m writing a script for the next Taken movie. Looking back, I maybe made some naive decisions, with that being said, please be smart when traveling, always travel with a buddy, and be sure to tell someone where you’re going (Sorry Dad and Mom).  

I walked into the bar, and immediately saw a large table of people drinking wine and smoking those thin, long European cigarettes. They waved, it was them. They welcomed me to the table, and we ate, drank and had an incredible time. As the night was winding down, and there were only about 5 of us left, they asked if I saw everything in Rome that I wanted to before I left. I nodded and said, yep, I think so! Then, the next magical moment happened…

I was asked, “Well, have you ever seen the Colosseum at night?” Clearly I hadn’t since everyone I traveled with abandoned me for an 8:30pm bedtime, so I replied no. The series of events that took place after are a bit of a blur – probably from a little too much wine, but also from just pure, unadulterated happiness and fun. I jumped on the back of one guy’s scooter, and off we were to the Colosseum. I spent the next few hours that night with new friends, sipping wine, on a hillside that overlooked the Colosseum. It’s quite possibly the greatest memory I have from traveling. The most friendly, genuine, lovely people I’ve met. They took me in as one of their own, showed me the coolest spots, and dropped me back at the hotel (via scooter!) right before the sun came up. I made it just in time for family breakfast, none the wiser.

And that ladies and gentlemen, is why Rome is not only my favorite city in the world, it’s number one on my list of the 5 Friendliest Cities I’ve Ever Visited.

The 5 Friendliest Cities I've Ever Visited
I was very blonde while visiting Rome





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